
As in previous years,  Benamor Golf promotes during the summer, special golf offers on green fees, buggies or trolleys. Last winter, in December, and during the Easter period Benamor Golf offered similar promotions.

Benamor Golf intends to maintain these golf Promotions for the periods mentioned above.

These prices are subject to alteration without warning.

VAT included.

If you need more information please contact us.

Winter Special

Benamor Golf Winter Promo from 07h20 until 12h56, 1 round/player.

18 holes 9 holes  
74,00€ 47,00€ Adult
33,00€ 26,00€ Junior

Promotion valid from 01-12 until 31-01.


Winter Twilight

Benamor Golf Winter Twilight Promo starts at 13h04, 1 round/player.

18 holes 9 holes  
59,00€ 42,00€ Adult
26,00€ 26,00€ Junior

Promotion valid from 01-12 until 31-01.


Summer Special

From 07h20 to 10h56, 1 round/player:

18 holes 9 holes
61,00€ 39,00€


From 11h04 to 14h56:

18 holes 9 holes Observations
55,00€ 39,00€ 1 pax c/trolley
79,00€ 66,00€ 1 pax c/buggy
127,00€ 105,00€ 2 pax c/buggy

From 15h04:

9+ holes Observations
39,00€ 1 pax c/trolley
66,00€ 1 pax c/buggy
105,00€ 2 pax c/buggy

3 Round Promotion:

18 holes Observations
127,00€ 1 pax c/trolley
187,00€ 1 pax c/buggy
363,00€ 2 pax c/buggy

Promotion valid from 01-06 until 31-08.

Summer Memberships

Membership 1 Month:

Individual Couple
352,00€ 605,00€


Membership 2 Months

Individual Couple
583,00€ 1.029,00€


Promotion valid from 01-06 until 31-08.

Spring Special

Starting from April 1st until April 15th Rental Items, Buggy and Trolley,  have a special price.

18 holes 9 holes  
36,00€ 30,00€ Buggy
14,00€ 10,00€ Electric Trolley
4,00€ 4,00€ Manual Trolley