Rules & Etiquette

  1. Golfers are expected to play within the spirit of the game and to have consideration towards the safety and enjoyment of others, both on the golf courses and in the surrounding properties.
  2. All players must present an official handicap certificate along with proof of their home club. The maximum handicap requirement is: Ladies: 36 | Gentlemen: 28. Should players not have a handicap, then reception or starter should be advised, this would help the marshal with the NOVICE groups and keeping up with the pace of play especially HIGH season.
  3. Flights are made up as 4-balls and therefore players booking less than a 4-ball must expect to be paired up with another group. Wherever possible, we will choose players of a similar handicap.
  4. Men play from the yellow tees and ladies from the red tees. Players with a handicap of 5 or less may play from the Championship tees with the permission of the Starter. Other tees may be used but only by prior arrangement with the management.
  5. To ensure that all golfers enjoy their experience at Benamor Golf, please respect the pace of play and 'KEEP PACE' with the game in front. If you lose time please let the group behind through. The maximum time expected to complete 18 holes is 4 hours 10 minutes or better.
  6. Players are required to adhere to the dress code. Benamor Golf reserves the right to refuse access to the Clubhouse and Course on grounds of inappropriate dress. All golfers must wear shoes with soft spikes.
  7. All players using golf carts must follow the rules of cart usage and read and obey the signs:

  • All four wheels must remain on the concrete paths unless otherwise permitted on the day. Carts must never be driven beyond the fairway markers.
  • The Buggy can only be used on the Golf Course and in the car park.
  • There can be no more than two people or two golf bags in each Buggy. are only A maximum of 2 Buggies are allowed per departure.
  • The Buggy must be driven in a responsible manner, it cannot be driven in high speeds, or making sharp turns or braking.
  • Buggies and Trolleys must be kept outside of Tees, and cannot be driven between Bunkers and the Greens.
  • Damage caused by reasons of abnormal use is the responsibility of the person who rented the Buggy. In this sense, the damages will be budgeted and paid in full by this person.
  • People under 18 years of age are prohibited from driving Buggies.
  • The instructions given by the golf operation regarding the use of Buggies must be respected.

      8. Players should repair all pitchmarks and divots, place rake all bunkers after use and leave all rakes inside the bunker.
      9. All players should refrain from using mobile phones whilst on the course.
    10. All instructions and requests from the Reception Staff, Starter and Ranger must be adhered to.
    11. Any player not complying with these rules will be asked to leave the Golf Club.
    12. Benamor Golf declines any responsibility for loss or damage to personal property.